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Drawing Board: Troll Bale

Finn’s take on Bale’s presentation at LAFC

Welcome to our drawing board. A few times per month, our resident cartoonist, Finn, will sling out some dope and exclusive art for you — usually on the back of a big moment that’s captured our attention in the Real Madrid world. Here’s this week’s drawing, and if you ever want to look back at Finn’s previous (and amazing) work, just check out our Drawing Board page.

This week, Finn accurately depicts the troll side of Gareth Bale.

Bale’s ability to deal with constant criticism from press with humour has been increasingly apparent over the years. He had learned to laugh about unfair, sensationalist takes. On one memorable instance, he did a golf swing celebration in training right in front of the cameras.

But undoubtedly, though he learned to laugh about it, it didn’t mean that the headlines didn’t take a toll on him. He released a heavy statement aimed at the Spanish press on his social media on March 25th.

One of the biggest criticisms Bale would receive from the Spanish media was the he ‘didn’t speak Spanish’, which was untrue. On July 8th, LAFC released a video on social media showing Bale speak Spanish — not something he did much publicly in Spain, but happy to do in the United States to hammer home a point in a humorous way.

Finn depicts the troll side of Bale:

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