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Illustrated Poem: A Motivational Message To Real Madrid

A new poem by Managing Madrid’s resident artist, Sofi Serg, to keep up Madridistas’ spirits

Sofi Serg
The poisonous team
Sofi Serg

“One more match is going wrong as our greatness slowly dies

This defeat feels like someone is cutting our hopes with knives

You’re sitting on the pitch, your hands are raised up to the skies

Don’t tell me everything is fine, don’t tell me these dubious lies

Because I only want to notice a rebellious fire in your tired eyes

Maybe you remember how untouchable we were in those times

When we destroyed all the rivals and called it “our petty crimes”

We had no fear as if we were poisonous or covered with spines

And fought our way right to the throne ignoring the stop signs

We played like if we were a squad of soldiers and clever spies

And scored unreal goals that were blowing everybody’s minds

We didn’t care about the haters’ maledictions and small bites

And we were ready to face obstacles and troubles of all kinds

Because the best prize was the Cibeles and its dazzling lights

Now the fading of that golden age is quickly wiping our smiles

But don’t you know that all these fans travel thousands of miles

Just to see you being unbeatable and winning the crucial fights

So go ahead and reach your goal even if it takes a hundred tries

And don’t fall apart, it’s time to fight against these darkest times

Because Real Madrid has really changed something in our lives

Maybe it’s the reason why I’ve spent so many sleepless nights

Trying to convert all these feelings into words and pencil lines”

October 2018, “The poisonous team”

Real Madrid’s fans. Illustration by Sofi Serg.
The poisonous team
Sofi Serg

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